Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The Geese Are Still in the Parking Lot!

I thought they were gone, but they're not! I saw about five couples there on Saturday and Mother's Day! Although I did not see anyone incubating!

I'm still on a mission to find the families new, temporary, home. I sent an e mail to The Washington Department of Wildlife to see if they had an idea how far geese would travel with a new family before they can fly! I'll let you no what they tell asap! I've been asking them Canada Geese questions because I saw some great information on their official site!


Until then here is a pic I snapped on 4/28/2013! Nice!!!

Friday, May 10, 2013


Okay, I got the domian name parkinglotgeese.com!  It should be fun building this site!!! I have at least 30 hours of video clips and hundreds of geese and gosling pictures and although 5/8/2013 is most likely the last time the geese will hang out in the parking lot this year, I will continue to post lots of footage on this blog and upcoming site!

I did a quick review on Wednesday 5/8: So far I've seen about 10 geese families began to incubate eggs, and about 6 families that hatched their eggs and left the area!

Although a few have abandoned eggs, one of the Mother Geese that I've watched the longest abandoned her's sometime between May 5th and May 8th. I named this goose Jade after a restaurant in the area. I always noticed that she would leave her eggs, and her mate would get angry. I figured her's would take the longest to hatch, but I didn't think they would be abandoned. (See pics below)

Also Wednesday I was in the parking lot for nearly an hour and I did not see one goose in the area! Besides studying more about Canada Geese and getting the video clips ready for upload, my next quest is to find out where do the families go when they leave the area? I know that the Geese and gosling have to get ready to fly, swim and get food so I'm not sure if they are at a near by pond, in the wooded areas or did they travel 3 and a half miles to Winton Woods Park? I hope to have an answer soon! I should have about 30 - 40 days from April 21th to find out!

Map the trip from Walmart's Parking Lot to Hamilton County's Winton Woods Park